Monday, August 31, 2009

The 15-Minute Six Pack Workout

How To Get Abs
The following method for exercising your abs in only 15 minutes involves a warm up for about 5 minutes, this could be skipping, jogging on the spot or walking. Once the body temperature is elevated gentle stretches for the tightest muscles in your body are recommended.

The aim of the workout is to:

Step 1. Perform exercise #1 - for 30 seconds
Step 2. Immediately followed by exercise #2 - for 30 seconds
Step 3. Rest for 30 seconds before repeating steps 1 to 3

Ten rounds of the above will equal a 15-minute workout.

Click here for the SIX PACK DIET

Exercise #1 – Leg Raise

Key Points: Lie down on your back; both feet should be flat with the knees bent. From this position the pelvis is rolled back pressing on your fingers or on a rolled up towel. If using a towel it should be the same thickness of your hand. The position needs to be directly at the belly button level flat against the floor.

From here both legs are raised and lowered while always keeping the back stable and stationary maintaining pressure on your fingers or towel. The knees should be kept bent and the angle shouldn’t change throughout the 30 seconds of work.

Progression: Open the angle of the knees, that will makes the leg longer and increase the workload on the lower abdominal muscles.

Exercise #2 – The Plank

Key Points: Begin lying face down on the floor with feet together and forearms on the ground, your hands should be clenched in a fist. Draw the abs inward towards your spine and squeeze the glutes (backside muscles). Lift entire body off the ground until it forms a straight line from head to toe, resting on forearms and toes. Forearms should be parallel and elbows directly below the shoulders.

Keeping the back flat and chin tucked hold the position for 30 seconds maintaining good form and slowly return to the ground.

Progression: Can be done on one leg.

Click here for the SIX PACK DIET

People in today’s society want quick fixes and want to see results instantly. In my opinion most people have forgotten the old fashioned way of what it takes to change body shape. All the health aspects that once went hand in hand with exercise have been lost in the tide of the celebrity culture. Celebrity dominant publications are not the place to get your health and fitness information from if you want real results. Quick fixes are a waste of time because they never work for anyone apart from the people making money from them. Starving the body of essential nutrients by following the latest fad diet will only end up in a big disappointment and put you off from future attempts.

There is no excuse with time constraints with this workout. It is a simple straightforward routine that will challenge you if done correctly. It can be modified in any which way you deem necessary to achieve the response you want. Don’t forget with exercise and nutrition, it is the quality and not quantity that matters. It has always been like this and always will be so you can forget searching for a quick fix and wasting your time reading about what your favourite celebrity is doing or in some cases not doing. Click here for the SIX PACK DIET
How To Get Abs

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Learn If Genetically Modified Foods Are Creeping Into Your Diet

How To Improve Your Fat Belly Diet
When a food is genetically modified it is for the benefit of resistance against insects, herbicides or to make it taste better. No research or studies have ever been done with humans to show what genetically modified foods can do to our health so you could say humans are the guinea pigs in an ongoing experiment.

Click Here For A Fat Belly Diet

The genetic engineering that takes place can introduce allergens to the food and lower the nutritional value, for example some soybeans are genetically engineered with the genes from a brazil nut to improve the taste. It doesn’t take a scientist or doctor to realise that someone with a nut allergy could end up in serious trouble consuming this particular kind of food.

According to the book ‘Total Health Programme’ by Dr Mercola- corn is only second to soybeans for the most genetically modified crop in the U.S. This is alarming news for people with poor eating habits, as they tend to over consume corn especially as it is present in many processed foods. Processed corn products such as corn syrup, fructose, corn oil, corn meal, corn starch, dextrose, monosodium glutamate, xanthan gum and maltodextrin are widely used and commonly used as sweeteners in everyday products like soft drinks, fruit drinks, cookies, confectionary and tons of other processed foods.

Click Here For A Fat Belly Diet

Did you know commercially raised cows are fed high amounts of corn as part of their diet? Depending which country you live in will determine whether the beef on your plate lived on a diet of genetically modified corn or not. If it did you are unknowingly allowing genetically modified food to creep into your diet. This is one reason why organic and grass fed meats are much healthier and more nutritionally dense opposed to the commercially fed variety.

Some people are sceptical about the organic food movement and think it is a rip off paying more money for the same food. Always remember with organic foods you are paying for your health and not for a brand name. Organic food has always been here. There was once a time when all food was organic before modern farming practises involving chemicals, antibiotics and drugs were introduced to the food chain. It is important for you to adopt the idea of thinking about the food on your plate and whether you prefer eating natural organic food the way Mother Nature intended it to be or if you want to eat food that has been manipulated in some sort of way and can be potentially detrimental to your health.
How To Improve Your Fat Belly Diet

Monday, August 24, 2009

What You Should Know About Vegetarian Diets If You Have A Fat Belly

What You Should Know About Protein If You Have A Vegetarian Diet And You Want To Reduce Fat
Today there are many vegetarians in our society as well as other groups that eliminate meat for spiritual or ethical reasons. My awareness of the high numbers of people practising a vegetarian lifestyle or some level of vegetarianism came about from doing my job as a personal trainer. I was surprised with the different misconceptions people had about EATING MEAT AND DIETING. Animal meats get bad press because of the commercial farming methods used; this is a shame because this gives all animal meats a bad name. Some people are happy to follow misconceptions and myths without backing it up through research to confirm if their motives are safe, healthy or just plain necessary. This article is for people who live a vegetarian lifestyle but who isn’t vegetarian.

If you are following a FAT BELLY DIET it is essential to eat good quality protein, but protein isn’t just protein. You have what’s classed as complete and incomplete proteins that are found in different foods. The complete proteins have all the essential amino acids and the incomplete proteins have some missing or not enough to be classed a complete protein. Complete proteins can be found in animal foods including meat, poultry, seafood, eggs and dairy. It is these complete protein foods that provide all the 8 essential amino acids. Very briefly, amino acids are the building blocks of the body and a necessary part of every cell in the body and vital for health. Specific amino acids have been linked to greater fat loss and known to correct brain chemistry deficiencies for food cravings and depression.

If you don’t consume complete protein foods such as animal foods it is very important to combine different types of plant foods to make up a complete protein to ensure you get all the essential amino acids in your diet. Anything termed essential in the diet means that it is necessary for proper functioning. As a matter of interest the other food group that is termed essential is fat, there are essential fatty acids that must be acquired in the diet or serious health problems can occur. It is handy to note that carbohydrates aren’t classed as essential but protein and good fats are!

This is where it can get difficult to lose weight and fat on a vegetarian diet. In my opinion the drawback to relying on food combing to get all the essential amino acids is that insulin resistant people would find it hard losing weight with combining different carbohydrates. What you have is a diet made up of mainly carbohydrates with little first class protein and essential fat to stabilise blood sugar levels. The reason why many vegetarians can become addicted to sweets is because of their poor blood sugar management following a high carbohydrate diet. Not an ideal habit to have if you are on a FAT BELLY DIET.

In summary it is essential to eat good quality protein everyday that provides you with all the essential amino acids for optimal health. If you decide to combine different plant foods otherwise known as carbohydrates then you need to realise these foods have an insulin provoking effect that can lead to fat storage. On the other hand if you choose to eat animal protein make sure it is organic and free range. Eating organic meats makes a massive difference to the state of your health because you are eliminating the pesticides and drugs conventional meats contain, organic meats also have more nutrients and are easier for the body to assimilate. Consider this, commercially raised cattle are one of the unhealthiest animals on the planet.
What You Should Know About Protein If You Have A Vegetarian Diet And You Want To Lose Fat

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Six Things You Must Become Good At If You Want To Get Rid Of Your Fat Belly

How To Get Rid Of Your Fat Belly
“Fail to plan and plan to fail”. You can’t get truer words when it comes to achieving a goal but it’s especially true when it comes to fat loss and achieving impressive SIX PACK ABS. If you don’t know how to flatten the barriers that can stand in between you and your goal then you will never be able flatten your belly and see your six-pack. The key to reaching your target is to begin with a day at a time and build upon your foundation a tier at a time.

The ingredients you need for a perfect day not only starts with the ingredients that go in your mouth but with your work, life, movement and sleep balance within a 24-hour period. Some will swear that there isn’t enough time in a day to follow a healthy lifestyle while others will blame work or family commitments for their lack of commitment. Well I’ve heard every excuse and its time to face up to your responsibilities and accept that you are the master of your destiny. There will always be someone with a busier life than yours that achieves the results you dream about, the only difference is they take action. Lets take a look at what action needs to be implemented for the best results.

#1- Time Management
Time management is one of the most important steps you must become good at if you want to shift stubborn body fat and see your SIX PACK ABS. For example, if you don’t have time to eat a proper breakfast every morning then you need to get up early. If you can’t do that because you need more sleep then you need to go to bed earlier and so on. I’ve heard every excuse and there is always an answer if you want something bad enough. The more organised you are the more addictive it becomes and the more energy it gives you. There is no better feeling than having free time to do the things you love and no worse feeling than wasting your time.

#2- Shopping
Decide what foods you need and how you are going to shop for them. You could either shop every few days or even once a month. The Internet is a brilliant option and convenient for a lot of people because it can save heaps of time. For a lot of your shopping such as non-fresh items you could get away with shopping once a month. For other items like organic fruit, vegetables and meats you could have them delivered to your door, check with your local farm shop to see if they deliver. All it takes is one click of a mouse button or at most one visit per week.

#3- Making The Kitchen Work For You
Make sure you have all the useful appliances in your kitchen to help you with food preparation. Store food in glass or ceramic containers, toxins can leach into the food when using plastic or cans. You may decide to freeze leftovers to be used for a weeknight after work, don’t forget to label meals that you freeze for future reference.

#4- Meal Planning
Decide what you are going to eat for the week ahead, use pen and paper once a week to plan and rotate your meals. You may only need to do this once before establishing a routine. By doing this you will know what to shop for and there will be less chance of rubbish finding its way into your cupboards and fridge. You will also be able to prevent yourself from eating the same meals everyday.

#5- Exercising Smart
The wrong training routine for your goal is still going to be unproductive even with the right nutrition and healthy lifestyle. Seek professional help to make sure you are making the most of your time and effort by doing the right kind of exercises to help you achieve SIX PACK ABS. Putting together a routine and fitting it into your week is something that can be flexible and doesn’t necessarily need to be carved in stone. All that matters is making sure you train intense doing the right workout 3 times a week.

#6- Resting
People overlook the importance of sleep in their quest for better aesthetics and health. I was guilty of this up to a few years ago; I would always go to bed after midnight regardless of what time I had to be up the next morning. The more I studied about health & lifestyle the more I learnt about the body and its sleep/wake cycle called the circadian rhythm. Before the invention of light bulbs our bodies didn’t know any different other than falling asleep at sunset and waking at sunrise, this is the way Mother Nature intended our bodies to operate and the reason why our hormones are naturally released at certain times throughout the day. If we disrupt this cycle by going to bed late, watching TV or staring at a computer screen late at night we stimulate awakening hormones that rob the body of repairing itself and eventually leading to health problems.
How To Get Rid Of Your Fat Belly

Monday, August 17, 2009

The Carbohydrates To Keep Off Your Shopping List If You Want Six Pack Abs

Fat Belly Diet
Believe it or not, the body has no physiological need for a carbohydrate unlike it has for protein and fat. Despite this fact most of the population overeats these types of calories everyday because they are easily available and more convenient than some healthy alternatives. This daily habit contributes to an increased waistline and poor health. The drawback to the convenience food culture is the likelihood that the calories will be highly processed. Processed foods usually contain bad fats and artificial ingredients with loads of sugar.

There are two main problems concerning carbohydrates. The first problem is that most peoples total daily calorie intake comes from eating carbohydrates with hardly any protein and good fats in the diet. The second concern is that the bulk of these commonly consumed carbohydrates will almost be guaranteed to be processed and full of artificial sweeteners instead of natural carbohydrates found in vegetables and fruit.

Common foods that contain carbohydrates:
Breakfast cereals
Jellies & jams
Ice cream
Gravies & sauces
Fizzy drinks

The quicker you learn which foods are carbohydrates and understand the impact they can have on insulin the quicker you will achieve FAT LOSS WITH SIX PACK ABS and better health. If high levels of insulin are raised frequently and for long enough it contributes to diabetes, heart disease and aging.

The reasons carbohydrates can be bad for fat loss
When we consume food & drink our blood sugar rises and insulin is released to bring it back down to a normal range. This is done by pumping the sugar out of the blood and into the cells to be used for energy or stored for later. Fat has no impact on insulin and protein very little; carbohydrates have the greatest reaction on insulin release. When we eat any kind of carbohydrates they are converted into sugar in the body, the more carbohydrates eaten equals more blood sugar, which in turn means more insulin needed to pump the sugar out of the blood and into the cells.

Insulin is a storage hormone and if you don’t eat the right balance of foods at each meal you get a repetitive cycle of insulin release and fat storage. Eating carbohydrates by themselves will make the fat storing sequence worse. With this going on every mealtime other hormones (fat burning hormones) are inhibited and prevent you from losing fat and weight.

It doesn’t stop there; excess carbohydrates are not only bad for your waistline but bad for your health too. The more insulin released more bad cholesterol is produced. Insulin is the only hormone you can control and this is done with good eating habits.

Excessive insulin has got extensive research linking it to numerous diseases. Choose your carbohydrates wisely in future and always eat good quality protein and good fats with your meals. You will see FAT LOSS from your abdominal area in no time.
Fat Belly Diet

Sunday, August 9, 2009

The Two Biggest Fat Loss Mistakes

Fat Belly Diet
Prior to seeing me one of my new clients spent a week reading about the latest diet crazes where they all recommend cutting calories or fasting. So she decided to join a slimming club where she saw different people that seemed to be wasting their time and effort. They were allowed to continue to eat certain junk food. This sounded appealing at first but the members of the slimming club didn’t look the way she aspired so she was left confused and worried.

And that's really sad. After all, almost everyone goes on a FAT BELLY DIET to get a flat stomach and achieve fat loss but almost everyone never achieves his or her goals!

In fact, most people make the same common mistakes.

Mistake #1 - Routinely getting weighed.

The biggest mistakes a dieter can make is setting their minds to reaching a number on the weighing scales every week or in some crazy cases every day! This repetitive behaviour is heavy on the mind making the participant feel incarcerated. It’s common for them to just focus on numbers without considering health & fitness or the quality of the food they are eating. This behaviour leads to frustration and unnecessary pressure.

Tip: The above system is nothing more than a marketing tool to help sell a diet; it has no benefit whatsoever. Getting weighed regularly doesn’t tell you if you are losing fat or which area of the body is changing shape. The best way to measure progress is using the mirror and/or to take tape measurements around the bum, hips, thigh, waist, chest and arms.

Mistake #2 - Counting calories

Ha! I wish it were as easy as just that. Eating X amount of calories will make you look like so and so. If this was true how come over 90% of dieters never achieve permanent results on calorie controlled diets? I will tell you why, it is because the quality of calories and which food groups these calories come from are missing from the picture. The most valuable piece of information a dieter needs always seems to be conveniently missing so not to upset the recurring revenue stream.

TIP: A basic understanding of food groups needs to be understood for quick fat loss and the best results when on a FAT BELLY DIET. But don’t worry because it is simple and quick to learn. There are 3 main food groups, Carbohydrates, Protein and Fat. Once you learn which type of foods comes from each food group it is easy to lose weight and fat. This is because you can begin to use ratios for your meals. The benefits of ratios are to monitor the amounts of carbohydrates you need versus protein to lose weight and fat. Calorie controlled diets fail to recognise this important step, that is why you see overweight people unable to lose weight and fat on low calorie diets.
Fat Belly Diet

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

If You Want Six Pack Abs Don't Follow This Fat Belly Diet

Fat Belly Diet

I get endless amounts of questions from people asking me what type of workout works best and how much needs to be done to achieve FAT LOSS. Lets face it, most gym members participate in unproductive exercise programmes that they endlessly seem to do year after year without achieving results, they hope of waking one day with the body of their dreams. They put their heart and soul into the same programme without ever changing it one iota. The absence of learning or trying different training principles will never work in the long run. Also copying what the latest celebrity is doing or puts their name to won’t work either.

The most common myth that never dies is that lengthy cardio training will shift unwanted body fat. I have years of experience of witnessing the lack of results people achieve doing such workouts. I also have dozens of opinions through research and personal experience to back it up. People often turn to me for advice after wasting years doing similar programmes. If you go into any gym in the world you are guaranteed to see members beating themselves up on the cardio equipment, now if you were to go back a year later you would likely see the same members on the same machines doing the same workout with still the same body shape. But this time they will look even more tired and stressed if they haven’t already quit through a lack of results. People don't understand that exercise is a stress to the body and doing more exercise than the body can cope with breaks the body down together with health. The body needs to be in a stress free state to build muscle or lose body fat effectively. There isn’t any relationship between training duration and achieving results. The type of exercises you perform and the intensity of the workout will also determine if you get results or not.

The advantage of resistance training for FAT LOSS over traditional cardio training out weighs the other by far. Done a certain way resistance training will create a cardiovascular response, killing two birds with one stone and saving heaps of time. One of the numerous benefits includes the functional benefit, which has a carry over effect to daily living and most sports. More importantly it will shape the body making it more aesthetically pleasing at the same time as building lean muscle tissue and strength. Traditional cardio exercises don’t have enough resistance to create an increase in lean muscle. Anything that increases lean muscle tissue is good news for both men and women; more muscle means a faster metabolism and a lower body fat percentage. You can get very strong and lean without looking like a bodybuilder. One more thing worth mentioning is that resistance training will elevate the metabolism for longer after a workout compared to traditional cardio exercise.

Workouts should be intense and short; whatever method you use it should keep your heart rate elevated and breathing increased whilst resting between exercises or circuits. Workouts should also be structured and directed towards your goals. Neglecting rest outside the gym can have a negative side effect to fat loss too. It is just as important as the workout in order to progress and reach your goal. Rushing around stressed all day will do you no good especially if you are training the same day. How can you train hard if your body hasn’t rested from the last workout or your mind is focused on stressful issues?

Finally don’t reward workouts with a treat, could you imagine giving a recovering alcoholic a bar job and paying them with free drinks from behind the bar, it wouldn’t work, neither does eating junk food after a workout for someone on a fat loss programme. Exercise doesn’t turn bad calories into good calories. The body needs the best nutrition at frequent times throughout the day for optimum FAT LOSS. Yes there is room for a cheat here and there even if you do want to look your best, but going for a pizza on the way home from the gym is a recipe for getting nowhere.
Fat Belly Diet