Tuesday, March 30, 2010

How to Lose Muffin Tops & Love Handles

The best tips to reduce fat from around the waist!
Muffin tops is a slang word to describe the overhanging flesh over waistbands. The unsightly look has become more noticeable in recent years due to fashions and the increase in obesity levels. The biggest part to losing the muffin top look and reducing the size of your love handles is the diet. If you make the right changes to your diet it will speed up fat loss and shrink the muffin top quicker than any stand-alone exercise.

When exercising, in order to drop body fat and change the shape of your midsection the best types of exercises are those that involve using as many muscles at once as possible. If you are unfamiliar with exercises there are different types of exercises, some work just one muscle group at once (isolation exercises) and others work multiple muscle groups. If you are moving just one joint in an exercise it is most likely going to be an isolation exercise.

You may be wondering why exercising using all of your body at once is going to work at reducing your muffin top. The more muscle groups involved in an exercise the greater the calorie demand. This has a knock on effect to speeding up your metabolism. That means after you have finished your exercises you will be burning more calories at rest.

Once you begin to reduce fat from around the waist there are some abdominal exercises that work better than others for toning the sides of the waist. These exercise involve you bending sideways. The muscles beneath the love handles are responsible for bending the body sideways. With this information in mind it is important to note that the popular abdominal exercises where you crunch your body forwards and back again will do very little to tone the muscles on the side of your waist.
The best tips to reduce fat from around the waist!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Quick Way to Lose Fat & Become Slim

What the top dieters do to get the quickest results!
I have thousands of hours experience witnessing what works and what doesn’t work with different kinds of diets. Those who achieve the best results all have the same things in common and take action.

The top dieters have a clear idea of what they want. This ranges from the way they want to look like to how they want to feel once they have achieved their goal.

The most successful dieters decide how many weeks/months they want to achieve their goal in and set their minds to achieving it.

The dieters that get the quickest results know the exact reasons why they want to achieve their goal and then use the reasons to motivate themselves.

The dieters who seem to effortlessly lose fat are all familiar with the obstacles that could potentially stop them from achieving their goal and set about avoiding them at all costs.

You need to have substance, clarity and a clear-cut plan of action towards your goal. No one is going to get out of this world results plodding along at their own pace without any direction.

Here’s how I do it and countless others who have achieved amazing results in the shortest possible time. If you are not seeing results after 10 days then you need to change something. In my opinion if you don’t feel or look any different after following a certain approach for 10 days then you must be doing something wrong or not trying hard enough.

Divide your timescale into 10-day cycles and assess your speed of progress every 10 days. The more you do this the more you will become in tune with what works for your body and what works against it. You eventually end up with your very own blueprint for fat loss.
What the top dieters do to get the quickest results!

Monday, March 22, 2010

A Week to View Six Pack Abs Workout – Home or Gym Compatible

Having a brilliant workout routine isn’t enough to get the results you want!
The 3-minute abs workout is a great way to work your abs intensely and the ultimate way to save heaps of time. But having a brilliant workout routine isn’t enough to get the results you want. You need to know the best way to use the workout so you get the best results from it. Following is what a typical week could look like when incorporating the 3-minute abs workout into your week.

I have based the example on a 5-day working week, Monday to Friday.

Just to recap the 3-minute abs workout is 2 to 3 abdominal exercises done for 30 seconds each back to back with no rest in between and repeated until 3 minutes workout time has been achieved.

It would be wise to have at least 2 different programmes, Workout 1A and Workout 1B. That means you will need to choose at least 4 to 6 different abdominal exercises in order to benefit from this workout to the fullest.

The example shows each day divided into 3 categories, minimum, medium and full commitment.

Minimum commitment: Workout 1A
Medium commitment: Workout 1A in the morning and workout 1B in the evening.
Full commitment: Workout 1A in the morning, workout 1B in the afternoon and back to workout 1A in the evening.

Minimum commitment: Workout 1B
Medium commitment: Workout 1A in the morning and workout 1B in the evening.
Full commitment: Workout 1B in the morning, workout 1A in the afternoon and back to workout 1B in the evening.

Minimum commitment: Workout 1A
Medium commitment: Workout 1A in the morning and workout 1B in the evening.
Full commitment: Workout 1A in the morning, workout 1B in the afternoon and back to workout 1A in the evening.

Minimum commitment: Workout 1B
Medium commitment: Workout 1A in the morning and workout 1B in the evening.
Full commitment: Workout 1B in the morning, workout 1A in the afternoon and back to workout 1B in the evening.

Minimum commitment: Workout 1A
Medium commitment: Workout 1A in the morning and workout 1B in the evening.
Full commitment: Workout 1A in the morning, workout 1B in the afternoon and back to workout 1A in the evening.
Having a brilliant workout routine isn’t enough to get the results you want!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

5 Ways to Burn Calories at Work

How to increase your calorie demand at work!
Are you looking for a way to burn more calories without it interfering with your day-to-day work schedule? There are a number of ways to move around differently at work that will increase your body’s demand to use more calories. Thinking outside the box and changing some lazy habits can make all the difference between storing your last meal as fat and burning the fat from your body.

Lets take a look at some ways to increase your activity output at work.

If you don’t live far from work how about walking to work? If this sounds too overwhelming at first thought how about walking one way and getting a lift back? You could even break this down even more by walking alternative days until you get used to the idea. Not only is it good exercise for you but you are doing your bit for the environment too.

Talking of saving the environment, if you live several miles away from work and walking to work is out of the question you could opt for cycling to work instead. The same principles apply, you could try alternative days until you get used to the idea. Once you get into moving your body more the sooner you will crave more exercise.

For those who can’t avoid using transport to get to work don’t worry because there are ways to use more calories by using your feet more.

If you travel by bus you could get off at the stop before work and walk the rest of the way. The same applies when going home as well; get off the stop before home. This simple strategy could give you up to 3 hours more exercise each week.

If you drive to work you could leave your car a mile from work and walk the rest of the way. Or at least park it a few streets away. The best thing you could do with driving to work is organising a car sharing scheme where you take it in turns to drive a colleague to work and vice versa. The crunch is when it is your colleagues turn to pick you up you arrange to be picked up a mile from home and dropped off a mile from home at the end of the day giving you a reason to walk.

5 Ways to burn more calories at work
1. Take the stairs every time.
2. Get out and walk at lunchtimes.
3. Get on your feet when talking on the phone and walk.
4. Volunteer at every opportunity you get to get out of the office and take the stairs.
5. Volunteer for strenuous jobs whenever possible, in other words don’t be afraid to break into a sweat at work.
How to increase your calorie demand at work!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Most Diets Should Be Banned! A Better Alternative to Getting Weighed Everyday

Getting weighed everyday is not beneficial!
Whenever I see an advert promising extreme weight loss in a short amount of time it makes me cringe at the thought of someone stepping on the scales each day and expecting weight to quickly drop off.

It is possible to transform your body shape without ever stepping on the scales. Regular weigh-ins doesn’t suit certain personalities. It takes a strong willed person to get weighed everyday and not let it faze them in any way shape or form. Everybody’s weight can fluctuate from day to day and from morning to night causing a negative impact on the person’s mind who regularly gets weighed.

The kind of people that have a history of daily weigh-ins and an addiction for wanting the pounds to drop off at all costs needs to stay the hell away from weighing scales. I would strongly recommend throwing them away for your own good.

Getting weighed everyday is not beneficial at all. If you do get weighed everyday, taking an average over a ten-day period is the most reliable way to do it. But this is only applicable if the variables are consistent.

So what is a better alternative? If you have the personality type that steers towards obsessive and living by numbers then you have to be completely honest with yourself, do you want numbers or do you want to look better?

The absolute best way to measure progress is to measure different parts of the body. Always take the measurements over the largest part of the body to keep the readings consistent. If you can’t be bothered to go through the motions of measuring different body parts every week or so then my next best recommendation would be to use the mirror for feedback or even taking photographs to track changes in your body shape.

Another way, which is the easiest and most unavoidable way to track whether or not you are losing weight, is to use the fitting of your clothes. Don’t forget to stay away from routine weigh-ins if you fall into the obsession category. That way you will be able to continue doing what you need to do to lose weight without any negativity getting in the way.
Getting weighed everyday is not beneficial!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

How to Make a Natural Energy Drink

Alternative to commercial sports and protein drinks!
I have been scouting for alternatives to commercial sports and protein drinks for a while. The reason is because just about all energy drinks and protein drinks on the market are full of sweeteners and artificial additives. I don’t know about you but I don’t think drinking anything containing artificial ingredients at a time when your body needs the nutrients the most is going to benefit you short term and definitely not long term.

Here is how to make Power Tea

This tea can be used for anyone and not just athletes. One of the main ingredients is Gelatin, Gelatin from Beef is the preferred choice but unless you live in the U.S.A. it can be difficult to get hold of. At the time of writing this I am not aware of anyone in the E.U. selling Gelatin from Beef. If anyone reading this knows anyone who supplies Gelatin from Beef in Europe please leave a comment below.

To make Power Tea dissolve one to two level tablespoons of Great Lakes Gelatin per cup of boiling water. If you prefer you could mix it into a little water at room temperature just before adding the boiling water.

You can flavour the tea with ginger; ginger is a natural anti-inflammatory herb. Or you could use peppermint herbal tea or both. You can also add half a tablespoon of coconut oil with each tea.

On the other hand you don’t need to do either, you can just drink it straight. Power tea can be consumed 3 times daily and a way to make it convenient is to make a thermos with 3 cups in the morning and drink it throughout the day.

Power tea builds strong and powerful ligaments, tendons, cartilage and muscle. It can also help enhance mental and emotional power. The tea is complete protein and high in amino acids, your body will be able to absorb and make the most of all of it.

If you are a lean athlete in intensive training you may add 2 teaspoons of dextrose per cup of Power Tea.

Thanks to Dr. Cliff Oliver for the information to compile this article.
Alternative to commercial sports and protein drinks!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Speed Up Your Diet – Ways to Lose Stubborn Body Fat Fast

Diet advice for quick fat loss!
If you want to achieve fat loss and get six pack abs you need to follow certain steps like anything else in life. There is a way and a system for just about everything and dieting and exercising is no exception. Below is my list of essential things to do to lose stubborn body fat fast.

Drink plenty of mineral water
Water is the best drink you can have without a doubt. Water helps to cleanse the body and supports good health.

Only eat non-processed foods
The next time you pick up a packet of food, look at the ingredients and see if you can pronounce the ingredients, chances are you can’t. This is common with processed foods today, they contain artificial ingredients and additives that can make you toxic and give your digestive system a hard time. The last thing you want if you want to be healthy and have low body fat levels. You can’t beat natural foods found in nature.

Don’t drink pasteurised milk
Commercial milk contains antibiotics and growth hormones. The pasteurisation process kills the important enzymes as well as destroying vitamins and amino acids. Lactose intolerance, which is common food intolerance, prevents the body from digesting milk sugars. There is no real value to drinking pasteurised milk and has no place in a fat loss programme.

Avoid sugar
Avoid sugar especially artificial sweeteners found in processed foods and drinks. Eating sugar creates a never-ending roller coaster ride for hormones such as insulin and cortisol, both fat storing hormones.

Cut out all wheat
Wheat and foods containing gluten can be very hard to digest and intolerance to this can cause gut inflammation as well as other allergy troubles. Try eliminating gluten for 30 days to see what difference it makes to the way you look and feel.

Don’t drink alcohol
Drinking alcohol has some of the same traits has eating sugar, it is rapidly absorbed and effects blood sugar levels. Alcohol is empty calories that have no nutritional benefit whatsoever to your body. If you drink alcohol near meal times it can serve as a blocking agent to certain vitamins and minerals.

Eliminate all caffeine
It is not only your morning coffee that contains caffeine but sports drinks too. Caffeine has an effect on blood sugar levels and can cause cravings and the release of fat storing hormones. Decaffeinated coffee isn’t any better either, decaf drinks tend to have more pesticides than regular coffee.

Eat organic whenever possible
Organic food is natural, the way it should be without any interference from mankind. When food is organic it is clean and full of nutrients without the chemicals or drugs used in conventional farming. Our bodies can digest and assimilate organic food easier and it doesn’t pollute our insides at the same time.
Diet advice for quick fat loss!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Diet Bloodbath! What You Need to Axe to Fund Fat Loss

How to achieve your natural body shape!
No one I know is immune to the following:

Processed food
Junk food
Consuming excessive calories
Eating the wrong kind of calories
Leading a sedentary lifestyle
Not managing stress levels

Very few of us can get away with contributing zero time to regular exercise and eat any type of calories and still look good. I would say less than 1% of the population but bear in mind that this lucky 1% won’t have the health benefits of someone who exercises and eats healthily. If you want to look your best it is absolutely essential you know which foods to eat and apply it to your lifestyle in order to be able to enjoy all the benefits.

On the other side of the coin you could still be unhealthy if you follow eating guidelines that are wrong for your body type no matter who tells you otherwise. In some cases you could even be worse off for exercising by doing too much than someone who doesn’t do any at all. What I am trying to get across is that the answer is always in front of your eyes, if you are not happy with the way you look it is highly likely that your current eating plan or lifestyle is wrong for you. If it works for someone else it doesn’t mean it will work for you. Many people spend years doing the same thing over and over again without getting the results they want, in my mind this is madness. There are always reasons for not achieving results and there will always be alternatives to try.

But how many people actually try different approaches before quitting?

Exercising or eating a certain way and not changing in anyway, shape or form is a sign to wake up and time to take a reality check. See if any of the actions below are familiar to you.

What You Need to Axe to Fund Fat Loss

Deprived sleep
Living on stimulants
Skipping breakfast
Eating processed food
Eating junk food
Not drinking enough water
Consuming excessive calories
Consuming the wrong calories
Extreme dieting
High stress levels
Leading a sedentary lifestyle
Not doing any resistance type movements
Binge eating
Binge drinking
Prioritising the wrong kind of exercises
Doing too much exercise with not enough rest

The Diet Bloodbath!
Any of the above can lead to a poor body image and a negative state of mind. The sooner you can change your lifestyle the sooner you will achieve fat loss.
How to achieve your natural body shape!