Sunday, February 27, 2011

How Top Dieters Lose Fat & Weight Fast

The top dieters have a clear idea of what they want. This ranges from the way they want to look like to how they want to feel once they have achieved their goal.

The most successful dieters decide how many weeks/months they want to achieve their goal in and set their minds to achieving it.

The dieters that get the quickest results know the exact reasons why they want to achieve their goal and then use the reasons to motivate themselves.

The dieters who seem to effortlessly lose fat are all familiar with the obstacles that could potentially stop them from achieving their goal and set about avoiding them at all costs.

You need to have substance, clarity and a clear-cut plan of action towards your goal. No one is going to get out of this world results plodding along at their own pace without any direction.

Here’s how I do it and countless others who have achieved amazing results in the shortest possible time. If you are not seeing results after 10 days then you need to change something. In my opinion if you don’t feel or look any different after following a certain approach for 10 days then you must be doing something wrong or not trying hard enough.

Divide your timescale into 10-day cycles and assess your speed of progress every 10 days. The more you do this the more you will become in tune with what works for your body and what works against it. You eventually end up with your very own blueprint for fat loss.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

If You Want Quick Fat Loss Change Your Eating Habits or Exercise Will Be A Waste of Time

The answer to fat loss!
Your diet is probably responsible for the way you look right now. Having excess body fat and being over weight is not a symptom of not using the treadmill a few times a week. If you don’t believe me just look at all the gym members the world over that quit everyday because they never achieve any results. They hit the treadmill in their droves religiously and still never get anywhere. The next time you are down the gym take a closer look at all the dedicated gym members that continue to exercise week after week and year after year yet still don’t look any different for their efforts. The majority of these people spend their workout time doing cardiovascular exercises. The type we have been led to believe is the answer to all over weight problems.

The mainstream media and the diet and exercise industry have programmed people to believe exercise is the answer to fat loss. How many people head straight into exercise routines without bothering to change their diet? A lot I can tell you.

From years of experience training people I have discovered the people who eat a bad diet are looking for a quick fix with exercise. They are hardly ever willing to change their diet without waiting a few months. This is to see if their exercise regime will give them the body they want. Then after all their invested time spent exercising fails to deliver the fat loss they want they more often then not throw in the towel.

Investing in eating a clean balanced diet from the beginning is the quickest way to get healthy and lose fat. You can’t out train a diet full of bad calories. If you live on processed junk foods and fail to get the right balance of nutrients everyday from natural foods then it is highly likely that you will feel lethargic and not look as good as you should. The effects of eating well show up on your body and keeps you feeling energised all day long. A far cry to what a few workouts a week on the treadmill can give you.
The answer to fat loss!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Some Responsible Advice About Diets in Glossy Magazines

The media is responsible for distorting and cherry picking health and fitness related information in order to gain your attention so they can stay in business by selling more copies. It is very important to be cautious when reading and using advice in these publications. The full picture is seldom discussed in the magazine or newspaper article. It is best for you and your fat loss goals if you steer away from these publications for your own good. If a diet sounds too good to be true it normally means it isn’t true and is just made up to make it sound interesting.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

How to Burn Fat and Train Abs in Only 15 Minutes Flat Out

Exercise doesn’t have to be long and boring!
The thought of doing any kind of exercise turns many people off because of the impression it can have. If you don’t know any different then you would assume it is a long drawn out process only suited for nut cases with nothing else better to do. What if I told you that exercise doesn’t have to be long and boring? Would you be interested if I showed you a way to make exercise challenging but over before you knew it? Better still, what if I told you the way I’m about to show you to exercise is more beneficial than probably 97% of what anybody else is doing in the gym right now. It only takes 15 minutes so even the busiest people can’t make excuses with this one.

This exercise routine is really simple, once you are fully warmed up this is what you do.

Choose two exercises
Decide which areas you need to prioritise and choose the exercises accordingly.

Tip: choose multi joint exercises when applicable. This will burn more calories and give you a better response.
Legs = squats, lunges or leg curls using a ball.
Back = dead lifts, bent over rowing or alternating superman.
Chest = press ups, dumbbell press or presses and chest fly on a ball.

Considerations for the abs only workouts
You may decide to use this routine format for just training the abs. In which case be careful not to opt for the same movement pattern.

Tip: there are three planes of movement, make sure to include 2 different ones when training the abs so you achieve a balanced look.
Crunch type exercises = forwards and backwards.
Side bends and other oblique exercises = moving sideways.
Wood chops = rotational movement.

Once you decide which exercises you are doing this is how to work them to their fullest potential for 15 minutes.

Do the first exercise for 30 seconds followed immediately by the second exercise for another 30 seconds then take a rest for 30 seconds. Repeat this 10 times which will give you a 15-minute workout. Beware it looks easy on paper but is very challenging.

Tip: use a digital stopwatch to time yourself. I have found it to be easier to monitor where you are and you don’t need to count how many rounds you have done because you simply stop when the clock reads 15 minutes.
Exercise doesn’t have to be long and boring!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Reasons Not to Get Weighed If You Are on a Diet

Follow the right kind of diet & see changes!
If you are following a diet and want to lose weight then it is only natural to think you need to weigh yourself frequently to see if you are losing weight. You have to ask yourself what do you want to achieve from your diet, is it to look slimmer or is it to reach a number on the scales? Think very carefully before you answer that question because they are completely different things.

You don’t need to get weighed to see if you are getting slimmer, all you need is a mirror and a tape measure. To be completely honest you don’t even need a tape measure because if you are sticking to the right kind of diet you will be able to see results without the confirmation of a few measurements to satisfy your mind.

If you follow the right kind of diet you should be able to see changes through the mirror every ten days and should feel energised and look healthy. The weighing scales can’t tell you how you look or how you feel. Are you prepared to allow the scales to tell you otherwise with a number?

The real reason dieters like to go through the mental torture of routinely getting weighed is because they are looking for something to make them feel better for their lack of effort. They simply aren’t trying hard enough and allowing too many banned foods into their diets. They rely on the scales to tell them a number they want to see to make everything all right even though they know deep inside everything isn’t as it should be.

Getting weighed everyday or even every week simply isn’t necessary for you to reach your goal. You are going to get results if you follow the right kind of diet regardless of whether you get weighed or not. Achieving results with a diet begins inside your mind. Cheating yourself won’t get you very far and turning to the scales in the hope they will make you feel better is a never ending waste of time which will help you fail.

Any success with dieting always shows on the outside of your body with the way you look. The biggest achievement with progress is how you feel inside, if you feel healthy and have loads of energy then you know you are on to a winner. Remember you don’t need weighing scales; a tape measure or even a mirror to achieve results, all you need is to just stick to a proper diet.
Follow the right kind of diet & see changes!

Monday, February 7, 2011

10 Healthy & Delicious Breakfast Ideas

Take my advice and try eating a breakfast away from the traditional commercial variety and I bet it makes a difference to your waistline!
Have you been eating the same boring breakfast for years? What is your normal breakfast? Is it processed and full of sugar? Here are 10 quick and easy to prepare breakfast ideas.

1. Smoothie- natural yoghurt with a scoop of vanilla whey protein powder, add hand full of any berries and a tablespoon of flaxseed oil or hand full of almonds. Blend with a little water.

2. Egg omelet served with raw spinach.

3. Cottage cheese served with blueberries.

4. Smoked salmon served with watercress, tomato and sliced cucumber.

5. Gluten free pancakes with ghee butter on top, served with blueberries and double cream.

6. Boiled eggs served with lightly steamed asparagus wrapped in ham.

7. Scrambled eggs served on wheat free toast.

8. Crab meat and shrimp mixed with sour cream and wrapped in an egg omelet. Serve with wheat free toast.

9. Duck liver pate served with wheat free toast and watercress.

10. Cold cuts of meat served with salad.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

How Dieters Can Lose Those Last Few Pounds Of Fat

Why the last few pounds of fat can be difficult to get rid of!
If your results have slowed down recently then you need to take a good look at what you have been doing.

Are you partying until late at the weekends?
Are you having too many Beers?
Are you eating a takeaway too many?
Are you drinking enough water everyday?
Do you Skip breakfast or lunch?
Are you eating late at night?
Are you eating non-processed foods every meal?
Do you frequently miss workouts?
Are you training hard enough or just going through the motions to get it over and done with?
Is stressful situations getting on the top of you and distracting you?
Are you enjoying a work/life balance?
Are you exercising too much?
Are you focused on your goals?
Do you have a strategy in place that you follow or are you guessing?

The quicker you can organise yourself and put a plan in place the sooner you will achieve your fat loss goal. I have never met anyone who has achieved his or her fat loss goal without some sort of direction to follow. It is not only quicker to achieve fat loss results but also a lot easier.