Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Alaskan Salmon And Fat Loss

I watched an amazing documentary last week about Alaskan Salmon and the journey they make during their natural life. From the streams of Alaska to the Pacific Ocean and back, right back to the place they were born. Over six million years of evolution have produced a fish that can discover its way back from the vastness of the Pacific Ocean right back to the place it was born so it can spawn. They have to return to the waters they were born so their eggs can survive and their species can carry on the cycle of life. What makes this story more impressive is the journey the Salmon needs to take to get to the spawning ground; they have to swim up rugged rivers with miles of rapids and even waterfalls to leap. The problems doesn’t end there, natural predators are waiting to eat the salmon along the way. Even the predators have gone through their own period of evolution to develop successful hunting methods so they can eat and stay alive.

You may be thinking what has this got to do with a Fat Belly Diet or reaching health and fitness goals. The reason I am telling you this is because we are all on a journey of evolution. Each of us is on the ladder of evolution in a personal sense and as part of the human race. In other words if you are trying to accomplish fat loss goals or thinking about it you may have to try different approaches before you get what you want. Look at the evolution of the Salmon and think about the diverse approaches they must have tried and failed at before they could reach their spawning ground. This can be related to any area of our lives. Whenever something doesn’t work out in the human world it is easy to give up and settle with what we have. This doesn’t happen in nature because if a living thing needs to change for its survival and fails it would cease to exist simple as that, it has no choice unlike us humans have. Maybe the privilege of choice is the downfall of human health. Present living standards have disconnected many of our survival abilities and the high level of perseverance that goes hand in hand with it. We no longer need to apply effort if we don’t want to; this gives us the option to opt out if we fall at many of the hurdles with weight and fat loss.

I think we can discover a great deal when observing the evolution of the Salmon and other creatures that share this planet with us. A human diet is one area we can learn a lot from when looking back over our own short evolution period. Consider how long we have had surplus calories readily available and the de-vitalised versions of these calories compared to the quality our ancestors were used to. Not forgetting the vast artificial concoctions in our modern day food chain that has only been with us at the blink of an eye. It isn’t surprising obesity is born out of this development in our evolution and a host of other diseases. It certainly gives you food for thought for a Fat Belly Diet. What are you waiting for?

Fat Belly Diet

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