Saturday, October 31, 2009

3 Minute Abs – More About the Circuit Everyone is Talking About

Six Pack Abs Circuit Training
In my previous article about 3 minute abs I introduced you to the concept of training your abs as hard as possible in only 3 minutes. Just to recap, choose 3 abdominal exercises and work them for 30 seconds each with no gaps of rest between any of them. When you have done the 3 exercises repeat them all immediately until you have exercised for 3 minutes.

Today I will show you another way to blast your abs in only 3 minutes.

This is what to do:
Exercise #1 for 30 seconds
Exercise #2 for 30 seconds

Repeat three times with no rest between any of the exercises.

This time you are only doing 2 exercises for the 3-minute circuit. The same principles apply as before where you go from one exercise to the other without any rest.

The 2 exercises I have found to work very well are:

Exercise #1 The V Sit Up
Lie face up on the floor with your head touching the floor. Place your arms straight by the side of your head and straighten your legs so they are touching each other.

The aim of the exercise is to bring your legs, arms and head off the floor at the same time. Ideally you should come up so your body imitates a V shape. I have found bringing your head a few inches off the floor and arms and legs around 12 inches off the ground works just as hard for most people. Make sure you start each rep with your head; arms and legs touching the floor so you work in the full range and prevent your neck from hurting.

The tempo should be 2 seconds each way and try and focus on recruiting the abdominal muscles every time you lift off the ground. In other words don’t force your body up by throwing your arms and legs upwards.

Exercise #2 The Plank
Begin lying face down on the floor with your feet together and forearms on the ground; hands should be clenched in a fist. Draw the abs inward, squeeze your backside muscles and lift the entire body off the ground until it forms a straight line from head to toe, remember you are resting on your forearms and toes.

Forearms should be parallel and elbows directly below the shoulders. Keep the back flat throughout your set and chin tucked. Hold this position until you can maintain good form and slowly return to the ground.

Remember when you have done the 2 exercises in a row for 30 seconds each go back to the first and repeat them 3 times so you get a 3 minute workout.

What makes this circuit popular is the fact that you can do it absolutely anywhere and it only takes 3 minutes.
Six Pack Abs Circuit Training

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

3-Minute Abs Circuit For a Better Six Pack

Quick Six Pack Workout
I have found a way of training the abs as hard as possible in only 3 minutes. You could try different abdominal exercises with the following method but my favourite way to do this circuit is to do 3 lower abdominal type exercises back to back. You get an unbelievable burn in your six-pack during this circuit, it is more difficult and beneficial for working the abs then the standard approach of doing a set and resting and repeating.

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This is what to do:
Exercise #1 for 30 seconds
Exercise #2 for 30 seconds
Exercise #3 for 30 seconds

Repeat once with no rest between any of the exercises.

Move immediately from exercise 1, 2 and 3 and repeat them all making sure there are no gaps of rest. This will give you 3 minutes of hard work. A great way to get the most from exercising your abs whether you want to get ripped or shred body fat.

The 3 exercises I like to use are:

Exercise #1 Leg Lowering
Lie face up on the floor and place your hands underneath your low back. Rest on your elbows and forearms so your head is off the floor, your upper body remains in this position during the set. Now straighten you legs and begin to lift your legs off the floor. Aim to bring your legs around 2 feet high above the floor and return them towards the floor but don’t touch the floor on the descent with your legs. The idea is to lift your straight legs up and down without touching the floor for 30 seconds.

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It is important to keep pressure on your hands throughout the set, make sure your low back stays in contact with your hands at all times. If you feel your back arching bring your tummy in towards your spine. If you find it difficult to keep pressure on your hands try bending your legs a little.

Exercise #2 Reverse Crunch
Lie on your back with your head on the floor and arms by your side. Bend your knees so your feet are as close to your butt as possible. Now lift your feet off the floor so your thighs are vertical. This position is your start position for every rep; don’t start each rep with your feet on the floor.

From the start position gently roll your low back off the floor and bring your knees towards your chest. When you reach the furthest position you are capable of achieving pause for a second before returning to the start position. Repeat for 30 seconds.

Exercise #3 Knee Push
For this exercise you need to be in the same position as the start position for the reverse crunch exercise. Lie on your back with your head in contact with the floor during the set. Keep the feet off the floor and thighs in a vertical position.

The aim of the exercise is to push your knees up towards the ceiling. Depending on the strength of your abs will determine whether your butt leaves the floor or not. You are striving to push your knees around one inch upwards, that is enough distance to work the exercise properly.

Keep the head and upper body as relaxed as possible during the exercise, this will make your abs work more. The tempo should be moderate and there shouldn’t be any bouncing. Repeat for 30 seconds.

Don’t forget when you have done the 3 exercises in a row go back to the first and repeat them all so you get a 3 minute workout.

You could do this workout at home, at the gym, in the office, hotel room, on the balcony, on the beach or outside in the park. There are no limitations with this workout. Get your individual Six Pack Diet blueprint today.
Quick Six Pack Workout

Friday, October 23, 2009

Lose Weight & Inches in 10 Days – the Natural Diet From Years of Research

Finding the right diet that works for you
I have tried all sorts of diets in the past but I was never impressed by any of them. After years of experimenting I discovered a very powerful way to lose weight and reduce fat. This could be the most important article you ever read about dieting so do yourself a favour and spend a minute to discover exactly what this diet is all about.

Discover how to Lose Weight, Fat & Inches in Only 10 Days!

After years of trying different types of diets on my clients and myself I came across the best and quickest way to lose inches and drop body fat that I had ever witnessed. It is worth mentioning before I go any further that I recommend avoiding fad diets of any kind especially if a celebrity endorses it. Those types of diets will cost you in future weight loss and fat loss attempts. The more you put your body through extreme dieting the more you screw up your metabolism in terms of it slowing down. Metabolism is the rate your body burns calories and it can take your metabolism a very long time to recover from a diet and get back to normal speed again. Famine type diets that restrict nutrients from the body help kick start a life long obsession to achieve your ideal body shape. All this does is encourages you to try different diets that are equally as bad as the last one you tried.

The most effective diet I have found to lose a lot of pounds and reduce fat fast involves controlling the types of carbohydrates in the diet and making sure to eat good quality proteins with every meal.

This diet will force extreme weight loss and fat loss simply because it is based on balancing blood sugar levels throughout the day. This alone is the secret to achieving your ideal body shape and keeping hunger pangs at bay.

Discover how to Lose Weight, Fat & Inches in Only 10 Days!

The action steps required to make this diet work at its optimum level is to modify the ratios between the carbohydrate foods and the protein foods until you are happy with the speed of progress. If you are ready to Lose Weight, Fat & Inches Click Here.
Finding the right diet that works for you

Monday, October 19, 2009

Is Food 100% Responsible For the Way You Look?

Food for thought when it comes to fat loss
Your diet is probably responsible for the way you look right now. Having excess body fat and being over weight is not a symptom of not using the treadmill a few times a week. If you don’t believe me just look at all the gym members the world over that quit everyday because they never achieve any results. They hit the treadmill in their droves religiously and still never get anywhere. The next time you are down the gym take a closer look at all the dedicated gym members that continue to exercise week after week and year after year yet still don’t look any different for their efforts. The majority of these people spend their workout time doing cardiovascular exercises. The type we have been led to believe is the answer to all over weight problems.

Discover how to Lose Weight, Fat & Inches in Only 10 Days!

The mainstream media and the diet and exercise industry have programmed people to believe exercise is the answer to fat loss. How many people head straight into exercise routines without bothering to change their diet? A lot I can tell you.

From years of experience training people I have discovered the people who eat a bad diet are looking for a quick fix with exercise. They are hardly ever willing to change their diet without waiting a few months. This is to see if their exercise regime will give them the body they want. Then after all their invested time spent exercising fails to deliver the fat loss they want they more often then not throw in the towel.

Investing in eating a clean balanced diet from the beginning is the quickest way to get healthy and lose fat. You can’t out train a diet full of bad calories. If you live on processed junk foods and fail to get the right balance of nutrients everyday from natural foods then it is highly likely that you will feel lethargic and not look as good as you should. The effects of eating well show up on your body and keeps you feeling energised all day long. A far cry to what a few workouts a week on the treadmill can give you. To get FREE FAT LOSS TIPS everyday for the next 10 days please visit
Food for thought when it comes to fat loss

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Ways to Save Money With Dieting and Gym Memberships

Save Money With Dieting
Most people join gyms with a clear mind of what they want. As soon as they sign up they hit the treadmill followed by a few crunches and hope in a few months time they will achieve their objective. There is a never-ending flow of people that are willing to buy into the belief that investing time exercising will yield results.

The other side of getting in shape is dieting; most people follow fad diets or join diet clubs wanting to transform the way they look in a limited time.

What you have are two different actions to solve the same problem. Both seem straightforward. So why do so many people never achieve their fat loss goal and give up after falling at the first hurdle?

There are numerous reasons why people never achieve results but the common ones are because they are doing the least effective options available. The least effective exercise and dieting methods costs you big money and wastes a lot of time and effort.

Did you know that most gyms only have around 20% of their members use the gym regularly? That means some people join up and only use the gym once costing them a full years membership for one session. Or you get others that use the gym once a month or even once a week that will still cost a staggering amount per visit when you calculate it. The reasons for this are normally a lack of motivation or no direction to follow.

So how can you save money with gym memberships if you are locked into a 12-month contract? If you are new to exercise it is essential to invest in expert advice so you are spending your time doing the most effective methods available for your goals. Once you follow the right way the sooner you will see results and the less chance of you giving up. After all who would want to stop if something is working?

Personal trainer fees can seem expensive but so are gym memberships that never get used. This applies to fad dieting as well. Why waste time following a diet that never delivers? Wouldn’t it be easier following an expert’s advice and save time and money in the process? How many times do unsuccessful dieters buy into the next wonder pill? It always comes back to spending more money and wasting more time then necessary.

All this can be avoided by following the most effective methods available by asking for an expert’s opinion. Always seek a trainer with credentials and good experience. Decide by what they can do for you and not what it costs you because failing to reach your goal will cost you more in the end. Click here if you are looking for a ==> Personal Trainer in Barnsley, Sheffield, Wakefield or Rotherham to help you lose weight, tone up and reduce fat.
Save Money With Dieting

Sunday, October 11, 2009

How to Eat Healthy at Work

Eating For Fat Loss at Work
I’ve heard the same excuses a thousand times, you are too busy to eat healthy or something comes up at work that prevents you from eating at all. Planning is the key by learning to become organised and manage time as efficiently as possible. It is the only way to achieve your fat loss goals.

Lets take a look at some solutions for different scenarios at work.

Making the right decisions by preparing your own meals
If you are serious about fat loss then taking your own food to work will help you control what you eat. Prepare your food for work at the beginning of the day or the night before. Learn to take responsibility and control the types of food you eat. This is your chance to choose between healthy foods or foods from a vending machine or a canteen that serves processed and de-vitalised junk food.

Tip: one example of a healthy meal is to take a bowl containing a chopped up salad with cold cuts of meat or fish. The salad could contain, spinach, pepper, green beans, asparagus, sugar snap peas, tomatoes or spring onions to name just a few. Add a little dressing in the tune of seed oil or vinegar and hey presto you have a very healthy lunch you can graze on during the day.

Learn how to eat healthy at work and Lose Weight, Fat & Inches.

If emails and phone calls rob you from taking a break
Tip: set the alarm on your watch every 3 to 4 hours to remind you to eat. Give yourself at least 5-10 minutes where you don’t answer emails or phone calls, divert calls if necessary or let calls go straight to the answer machine.

You are worth this time; your health is more valuable than trying to beat the never-ending stream of work that will always be there no matter how long and hard you try to beat it. When you do this make sure you leave the desk so you can’t be distracted and you can enjoy your food in peace.

When impromptu meetings that take longer than expected
There are times when a liquid meal will be more convenient and a lifesaver. Keeping a meal replacement sachet in your bag for unforeseeable situations is a good precaution. Try not to rely on liquid meals and substitute them for solid foods because solid meals excite the metabolism more than liquids.

Tip: the best meal replacements are those that contain whey protein and have no aspartame and are low in sugars. Meal replacements are easy to prepare, they mix easily in a screw top shaker with a little water and a few shakes. Because of the protein content in a lot of meal replacements it is a wise choice for women to just have half a sachet. Most meal replacements are designed for male bodybuilders and women’s daily protein requirements differ from that of a male bodybuilder. I personally prefer to add a tablespoon of flaxseed oil when mixing the meal replacement drink to help slow down the insulin response. Learn the easiest way to eat healthy at work and Lose Weight, Fat & Inches fast.
Eating For Fat Loss at Work

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Best Fat Loss Plan to Get Rid Of a Fat Belly

Ways To Get Rid Of A Fat Belly

What Do You Want To Look Like?
Write this down; describe everything in the finest detail to the belly shape you want to the amount fat you want to carry around with you.

Compare it to where you are now.

The importance of having a vision of what you want to look like is important because it keeps you on track. Imagine going on a road trip without a destination, its pretty pointless unless its what you want but with fat loss it is a different set of rules. You can’t treat fat loss like a mystery tour and expect to end up where you want, you need to be focused in order to get where you want.

What Time Frame Do You Want This To Happen?
Be realistic but don’t be too conservative, a bit of pressure is good.

Once you have a vision of what you want to look like you then need to stick a desired time limit on your fat loss goal. This is another great motivational tool that can push you along each step until you reach your final destination.

Now I want you to look at your timescale for your Fat Loss Goal, how many review days are you going to have? Once you know the answer you have a powerful approach to make certain the fat loss actually happens before the deadline. If fat loss doesn’t happen quick enough for you then you can easily look at what you are doing wrong and prepare to move in the relevant direction before the next review.

Who Are You Doing This For and Why?
Is it for your health & happiness, family/partner or for your career?

The reasons behind your fat loss goals are probably more powerful than the tactics I’ve discussed above. Why you may ask? I have found that people’s reasons for wanting to achieve Belly Fat Loss normally involve feelings, other people, relationships or other meaningful importance to life. This is dynamite for getting motivated, if those reasons won’t budge you to make a start nothing will.
Ways To Get Rid Of A Fat Belly

Friday, October 2, 2009

A Professional Footballer Lost a Third of His Body Fat in Just Four Weeks With Fat Loss Every 10 Days

Fat Loss without Dieting
When a professional footballer approached me for help one of the first things he told me was how ultra professional he had always been throughout his career with the way he looked after himself. Alcohol was limited to a glass of wine with a meal now and again and he never spent any time in smoky clubs or bars, he also told me he always went to bed before midnight to make sure he got his eight hours sleep every night. He went on to say he had always accepted that certain people are naturally fitter than others but it had always struck him that despite his healthy lifestyle he never felt as fit as he thought he should have been.

Click ==>The Quickest Way To Get Rid Of A Fat Belly

Having felt this way for quite a long time he had finally had enough and decided to get his diet checked to find out if he was missing anything out or doing something wrong to explain the way he felt. As well as leading a healthy lifestyle he had always followed what is widely regarded as a very healthy diet. Plenty of pasta, potatoes, salad and vegetables, a little red meat, chicken and the odd helping of fish. On shopping trips to the supermarket he would always go for the low fat versions of everything he saw. He was taking the advice of the health magazines and most of the other sources of media that said fat is bad for you and should be avoided at all costs.

As soon as I started explaining about the myths surrounding nutrition he was surprised and got a lot more than he expected. I introduced him to how to identify the foods that made him feel lethargic, hungry or irritable and helped him to recognise the foods that made him feel the total opposite. If certain foods make you feel terrible and do nothing to quench your appetite then it makes perfect sense to eliminate that food from your diet especially if you want to excel at your sport.

Click ==>The Quickest Way To Get Rid Of A Fat Belly

One of the keys to success with eating for optimal sports performance is to learn which foods belong to which food group. As soon as you are able to identify different food groups you have a better chance of controlling hunger. This is because different food groups will give you different responses. Once you become familiar with the foods that leave you feeling a certain way you will be able to prepare meals that work for the body and not against it. All this requires is modification with the portion sizes. In other words you may need less carbohydrates and more protein with each meal in order to satisfy your hunger and prevent your energy levels dipping.

The good thing is that it isn’t even dieting; it is all about feeding the body the correct nutrients in the proper ratios so you don’t suffer any negative effects after a meal.

Since my first meeting with the professional footballer he has changed his diet in a big way and adopted the principles above. He has not needed to rely on pasta, bread and potatoes for his energy needs because he felt he didn’t need them. He has never felt fitter and has lost a third of his body fat levels in just four weeks without changing his exercise regime. Click ==>The Quickest Way To Get Rid Of A Fat Belly
Fat Loss without Dieting