Saturday, October 31, 2009

3 Minute Abs – More About the Circuit Everyone is Talking About

Six Pack Abs Circuit Training
In my previous article about 3 minute abs I introduced you to the concept of training your abs as hard as possible in only 3 minutes. Just to recap, choose 3 abdominal exercises and work them for 30 seconds each with no gaps of rest between any of them. When you have done the 3 exercises repeat them all immediately until you have exercised for 3 minutes.

Today I will show you another way to blast your abs in only 3 minutes.

This is what to do:
Exercise #1 for 30 seconds
Exercise #2 for 30 seconds

Repeat three times with no rest between any of the exercises.

This time you are only doing 2 exercises for the 3-minute circuit. The same principles apply as before where you go from one exercise to the other without any rest.

The 2 exercises I have found to work very well are:

Exercise #1 The V Sit Up
Lie face up on the floor with your head touching the floor. Place your arms straight by the side of your head and straighten your legs so they are touching each other.

The aim of the exercise is to bring your legs, arms and head off the floor at the same time. Ideally you should come up so your body imitates a V shape. I have found bringing your head a few inches off the floor and arms and legs around 12 inches off the ground works just as hard for most people. Make sure you start each rep with your head; arms and legs touching the floor so you work in the full range and prevent your neck from hurting.

The tempo should be 2 seconds each way and try and focus on recruiting the abdominal muscles every time you lift off the ground. In other words don’t force your body up by throwing your arms and legs upwards.

Exercise #2 The Plank
Begin lying face down on the floor with your feet together and forearms on the ground; hands should be clenched in a fist. Draw the abs inward, squeeze your backside muscles and lift the entire body off the ground until it forms a straight line from head to toe, remember you are resting on your forearms and toes.

Forearms should be parallel and elbows directly below the shoulders. Keep the back flat throughout your set and chin tucked. Hold this position until you can maintain good form and slowly return to the ground.

Remember when you have done the 2 exercises in a row for 30 seconds each go back to the first and repeat them 3 times so you get a 3 minute workout.

What makes this circuit popular is the fact that you can do it absolutely anywhere and it only takes 3 minutes.
Six Pack Abs Circuit Training

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