Sunday, November 29, 2009

If You Want Quick Fat Loss it is Best to Learn How to Gain Fat Fast

How to Achieve Quick Fat Loss

Take note that no one is immune to the effects of:
Eating processed food and junk food
Consuming excessive calories
Eating the wrong kind of calories
Leading a sedentary lifestyle
Not managing stress levels

Very few of us can get away with contributing zero time to regular functional exercise and eat any type of calories and still look good. I would say less than 1% of the population but this 1% won’t have the health benefits of someone who exercises and eats healthily. If you want Quick Fat Loss it is absolutely essential you know which foods to eat and apply it to your lifestyle in order to experience fat loss.

On the other side of the coin you can still be unhealthy if you follow eating guidelines that are considered healthy by some so-called experts but are wrong for your body type. You can even end up worse off for exercising the wrong way and doing too much than someone who doesn’t do any.

What I am trying to get across is that the answer is always in front of your eyes, if you are not happy with the way you look it is highly likely because your current eating plan or lifestyle is wrong for you. If it works for someone else it doesn’t mean it will work for you. Many people spend years doing the same thing over and over again without getting the results they want. In my mind this is madness, there are always reasons for not achieving Quick Fat Loss and there will always be alternatives to try.

How many people actually try different approaches before quitting?

Exercising or eating a certain way and not changing in anyway, shape or form is a sign to wake up. In some cases some people actually believe what they are doing is the gospel truth; if you believe in following certain methods and you are not achieving results then you are no better off than someone who never exercises or someone who eats what they want.

Think about it for a minute, if you continue to follow a certain eating plan or exercise routine and fail to see results all you are really doing is turning a blind eye to the truth and being lazy. It is more comfortable for your body to follow something that isn’t working then it is to change the things that are stopping you from progressing. We are surrounded by choices and no one is responsible for your actions but you.

Below encompasses some of the habits that can lead to a Poor Body

Deprived sleep
Living on stimulants
Skipping breakfast
Eating processed food
Eating junk food
Not drinking enough water
Consuming excessive calories
Consuming the wrong calories
Extreme dieting
High stress levels
Leading a sedentary lifestyle
Not doing any resistance type movements
Binge eating
Binge drinking
Prioritising the wrong kind of exercises
Doing too much exercise with not enough rest

Any of the above can lead to a Poor Body image. When essential nutrients are lacking in the diet and it is reinforced with poor lifestyle choices it is precisely the opposite of what you need if you want to experience fat loss.

This is an excerpt from the chapter Rich Body Poor Body – taken from Fat Loss Every 10 Days, Step 1.
How to Achieve Quick Fat Loss

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Ultimate Dream Body - Another Way to Look at Getting Rid of a Fat Belly

How to Get Your House in Order For The Best Fat Loss Results
Compare your body to your ultimate dream home, this can be as elaborate as you want and anywhere in the world so don’t hold back. Now imagine neglecting your ultimate dream home for a few years, those few years soon turn into a decade and so on. What do you think you will find when you return for a look?

The floorboards would probably be rotting, the walls peeling and damp and the furniture infected with woodworm. To top this off the electrics would need rewiring and the gas and electric supply disconnected. But what’s really annoying is the condition of the plumbing, years of neglect has blocked the sewage pipes.

==>Risk Free Fat Loss<==

The owner is responsible for the state the house is in and neglect is the reason it has changed. This once stunning house is now a decaying house and is beginning to show from the outside too. This analogy can be used for the body of a person that has lived on a poor diet and not exercised regularly for years. A classic example of why body composition goes in the wrong direction.

Would you want to go in that house and start the momentous work of cleaning it up and begin renovating it? Can you imagine attempting all that by yourself? I bet not unless you knew what to do and you had loads and loads of time and willpower. Just picture the time it would take and the mental cost. The same scenario holds true for many people who begin the clean up operation of their diets and embark on an exercise plan. It feels like mission impossible because that is what it is to them, and why shouldn’t it? But if you get the correct help and guidance to do it right in the first place then it is a lot quicker and easier to get the job done.

You wouldn’t attempt to renovate a house if you didn’t know what you were doing so why do people try and renovate their bodies by blindly going at it on gut feelings in the hope of what they are doing is going to work?

==>Risk Free Fat Loss<==

This is one of the main reasons why so many people give up on exercise and so called diets because they never achieve the results they desire. All for the simple reason they don’t know what they are doing because they are following the wrong plan.

Following a poor exercise and nutrition plan is enough to drive anyone back to living the previous lifestyle that got them the way they look today. Taking chances by guessing how to get in shape doesn’t work and never has for anyone. It may be easier following your own instinct but the price you pay is limited results at best.

You have two choices, either neglect your body and end up with a renovation project years from now or begin to look after your body now by practising good house keeping. The latter will have immediate effect and is insurance against any future work and costs.

This is an excerpt from the chapter Rich Body Poor Body – taken from Fat Loss Every 10 Days, Step 1. ==>Risk Free Fat Loss<==
How to Get Your House in Order For The Best Fat Loss Results

Friday, November 20, 2009

How to Snack For Fat Loss – Tips For Dieters and Bodybuilders

How to Snack the Right Way for Fat Loss
The chances of you achieving fat loss or other diet and fitness related goals depend on the types of food you choose to eat, not just for your main meals but for your snacks too. Your success is determined by food quality, quantity and frequency of meals or snacks. It is important to find the right balance for your body and discover what works best for you.

Some people do great eating snacks between meals and others not so great. It doesn’t take an expert to tell you that you would instantly take a u-turn in your rate of progress if you snacked erratically.

My advice is this; if snacking is something new to you and you are keen to speed up the metabolism, try eating frequently. I would recommend trying a mid morning snack first. This is a safer way to introduce you to eating frequently because it will help speed up the metabolism for the day better than just having a mid afternoon snack.

Remember that eating good quality foods and nutrients for your main meals doesn’t give you the right to snack on bad calories that you find in processed foods and most convenient food outlets. Don’t think for a minute that good meals will cancel out bad snacks, maybe now and again but definitely not everyday.

The endless supply of junk foods can be testing on our temptations at the best of times. It is easy to feel helpless in our willpower as we go about our daily business.

Don’t worry because there is some good news. All you need to be is organised and follow some simple guidelines.

1. Plan what foods you are going to use for snacks

Tip: Choose just two foods, a protein food and a carbohydrate food and always carry them around with you so you don’t get stuck when you need something to eat.

2. Only eat natural foods

Tip: Try not to eat anything with multiple ingredients i.e. processed bars etc. For example try fruits and nuts/seeds.

3. Keep your eye on the clock

Tip: Do not eat snacks sooner than 2 hours before your last meal. If it is approaching 4 hours since your last meal you will need to eat something to keep the metabolism ticking optimally.

Experiment with what works best for your body in regards to how often you need to snack and the response it has to the rate of your progress. Do you just need a mid morning snack or do you need a mid afternoon snack as well?
How to Snack the Right Way for Fat Loss

Monday, November 16, 2009

The Effortless Way to Get a Six Pack – the Missing Link to Fat Loss

Sleep = Fat Loss and Abs
Are you committed to a six-pack workout at the gym or at home? Is your dream of achieving perfect abs and a trim waist evaporating together with any sign of progress? Did you know a good night sleep is one of the most important issues for losing body fat? Fail to get enough sleep and go to bed on time and you will be doomed with battling with your fat levels forever. Taking the steps with changing your habitual sleep patterns over the next few days and weeks can have immediate effects on dropping fat from your body.

Discover how to Lose Weight, Fat & Inches in Only 10 Days!

Sleep is one of the factors behind controlling one of the body’s most important hormones for dieters. The hormone is called cortisol and happens to be a fat storing hormone. Cortisol is influenced by light, which means you should aim to wind down before bed avoiding all bright lights. Cortisol is also connected to our natural body clock. Going to bed late will prolong the release of cortisol and keep it elevated at a time when it should be low.

This important information shouldn’t be dismissed from your arsenal of fat fighting strategies and quest for six-pack abs. It can seem like a lot of dedication going to bed early especially when the ideal time is 10-10.30pm. In this day and age of late night TV and the Internet there are plenty of reasons to keep us occupied into the small hours. Watching bright TV screens and staring at the computer just before bed is the worst thing you could do to wind down, the light from both is enough to keep cortisol levels high.

You should aim for 8 hours sleep every night if you are struggling with losing body fat and getting your abs to make an appearance. Going to bed at midnight and getting 8 hours sleep isn’t the same as going to bed at 10.30pm and getting 8 hours sleep. We have a natural body clock built in to us with the times set for certain hormones to peak and dip throughout the day. Staying up late will send your natural rhythm of hormone secretion out of balance.

I hope it is clear that keeping cortisol levels high at bedtime is your worst enemy for fighting the bulge and achieving perfect abs. Putting together and applying an action plan to get you in bed earlier each night until you reach the ideal bedtime is the easiest way to accomplish the next step in your fat loss programme. Especially if you are a die-hard night owl like I once were. Discover how to Lose Weight, Fat & Inches in Only 10 Days!
Sleep = Fat Loss and Abs

Thursday, November 12, 2009

How to Find Out if Your Fat Belly Diet is Working

2 Ways to Review Your Slimming Progress
The quickest way to get slim and lose tons of fat doesn’t need to involve scientific jargon or a calculator. Many people jump on the calories in and calories out bandwagon only to be left disappointed with the lack of results they get from that approach. Dieters simply fail to manage their diets properly and this is the number one reason why there are so many unsuccessful dieters around.

Anybody who wants to reduce fat, lose weight or improve the way they look needs to implement some sort of review system into their calendar. This is precisely what a good personal trainer will do when you go to see them. If your goal is fat loss then there should be regular review dates to see if you are progressing or not.

Applying some attention to the level of progress every ten days is exactly what any dieter could do at home. There is more you can do then to step on the bathroom scales to see if you are achieving results or not.

Below are two ways to review your progress.

Track your body fat levels
Stepping on the scales can be convenient and give you instant feedback but they only give you limited information. Scale weight tells you nothing about body fat percentage and the areas where body fat is dropping quicker than others. It is possible to be overweight but not over fat especially if you are an athlete.

Skin fold callipers are the easiest method and most reliable way to measure body fat. A good set of skin fold callipers should come with instructions and formulas for working out body fat percentages.

The way I do it is by keeping it simple, I choose certain areas of the body I wish to keep an eye on and take the measurements. I record the skin fold measurement in millimetres and write it down in my diary. I repeat this process every 10 days to see if I am making progress. The benefit of doing this over the scales is that it tells me where on the body I am responding and making progress.

Take your measurements
This is another useful method that tells you much more than just getting weighed. Taking regular measurements around the largest area of different body parts is a consistent way of tracking changes. The most popular areas to measure are thighs, hips, bum, tummy, bust/chest and arms.

Once again record measurements and changes in some sort of journal or calendar to track your progress.

Once you have the information at hand and still not progressing at the speed you wish you have a strong advantage because you can modify your diet to influence the next set of measurements on the next review date. A simple enough strategy that many dieters fail to put into practice.
2 Ways to Review Your Slimming Progress

Sunday, November 8, 2009

How To Be Skinny in Time For Your Christmas Party

Fat Loss in Time For Christmas
If you are trying to battle the bulge and not succeeding then you are not alone. Despite the diet industry turning over billions each year it still has a poor success rate for its many followers.

FREE FAT LOSS TIPS everyday for the next 10 days!

So what is going wrong and what can be done to achieve permanent fat loss?

Fat loss has to begin with the individual’s lifestyle. The only way to secure complete fat loss is to follow some basic guidelines to help build health within the body and apply some overlooked principles.

Some of these guidelines range from getting a good night sleep to managing stress levels. Both of which can contribute to an over production of fat storing hormones. The truth is you can go to the gym and eat a clean diet but if your hormones are working against what you are trying to achieve then you are fighting a losing battle with the bulge.

That is just one side to the fat loss phenomenon. The other side is nutrition. The secret to eating your way to fat loss is to eat foods with the greatest nutrient value available. That means you need to eat foods that offer the most bang for the buck and the best place to look is organic and natural foods. What I mean by natural foods is anything that hasn’t been interfered with by man. Processed foods masked, as a health food needs to go from your diet straight away if you are serious about losing weight and inches.

Once your body begins to digest high amounts of nutrients from natural foods you will require less food to satisfy hunger.

That is just the beginning, once you get your lifestyle in check and introduce plenty of good foods in your diet you can then be concerned about what kind of exercise you choose to do.

FREE FAT LOSS TIPS everyday for the next 10 days!

The most effective way to exercise is to choose a type that is challenging but short in duration. There is a saying you can train long but not hard and vice versa. The best kind of exercise that will work best for fat loss are the kinds that will leave you sweating and increase your heart rate and breathing. There are different ways to skin a cat and experimenting with what suits you and what you respond best from is the way to go. From my experiences resistance exercises of any kind work the fastest for fat loss results.
Fat Loss in Time For Christmas

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Beer Belly Solutions – the Easiest and Quickest Way to Get Rid of a Beer Gut

Change Your Beer Belly For a Six Pack
Pints of beer drunk frequently are going to swell up and distend the stomach regardless of an individual’s body fat levels. Some men regularly drink at least half a dozen pints in one drinking session. The pressure of retaining pints of high calorie fluids is going to swell even the leanest person’s belly.

High levels of visceral fat also cause the beer belly look. Visceral fat is internal fat. It is actually underneath your six-pack muscles and covers your organs. People who have high levels of visceral fat are also insulin resistant and need to avoid sugary, processed and starchy foods.

Obviously the best way to lose a beer belly is to stop drinking beer!

If you don’t drink beer and still have what looks like a beer belly then you will need to lose the visceral fat. Given that visceral fat is an indication of severe insulin resistance then the first step is to manage insulin levels by limiting certain carbohydrates in the diet and sugary processed foods.

Eliminating breads, pastas, ready-made meals and basically anything that comes in a fancy packaging with unpronounceable ingredients including so called healthy cereals is the fastest way to drop fat. Then it can take as little as a couple of weeks to see a major change in the size of your beer belly.

Beer is a terrible choice of drink for someone who wants to lose body fat. Beer has empty calories and has an estrogenic effect. Hops are highly estrogenic and are considered the main causes for beer bellies and man boobs on men.

Exercise recommendations for beer bellies and man boobs should be something that gets your heart rate high and panting like a dog. Resistance type training is the most effective way to exercise for someone wanting to burn fat. Weights burn more calories than cardiovascular exercises such as the treadmill and rowing machine. You need to approach resistance training with a view to sweat and work hard in order to get the best results. Click here for the best way to lose a beer belly.
Change Your Beer Belly For a Six Pack