Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Ultimate Dream Body - Another Way to Look at Getting Rid of a Fat Belly

How to Get Your House in Order For The Best Fat Loss Results
Compare your body to your ultimate dream home, this can be as elaborate as you want and anywhere in the world so don’t hold back. Now imagine neglecting your ultimate dream home for a few years, those few years soon turn into a decade and so on. What do you think you will find when you return for a look?

The floorboards would probably be rotting, the walls peeling and damp and the furniture infected with woodworm. To top this off the electrics would need rewiring and the gas and electric supply disconnected. But what’s really annoying is the condition of the plumbing, years of neglect has blocked the sewage pipes.

==>Risk Free Fat Loss<==

The owner is responsible for the state the house is in and neglect is the reason it has changed. This once stunning house is now a decaying house and is beginning to show from the outside too. This analogy can be used for the body of a person that has lived on a poor diet and not exercised regularly for years. A classic example of why body composition goes in the wrong direction.

Would you want to go in that house and start the momentous work of cleaning it up and begin renovating it? Can you imagine attempting all that by yourself? I bet not unless you knew what to do and you had loads and loads of time and willpower. Just picture the time it would take and the mental cost. The same scenario holds true for many people who begin the clean up operation of their diets and embark on an exercise plan. It feels like mission impossible because that is what it is to them, and why shouldn’t it? But if you get the correct help and guidance to do it right in the first place then it is a lot quicker and easier to get the job done.

You wouldn’t attempt to renovate a house if you didn’t know what you were doing so why do people try and renovate their bodies by blindly going at it on gut feelings in the hope of what they are doing is going to work?

==>Risk Free Fat Loss<==

This is one of the main reasons why so many people give up on exercise and so called diets because they never achieve the results they desire. All for the simple reason they don’t know what they are doing because they are following the wrong plan.

Following a poor exercise and nutrition plan is enough to drive anyone back to living the previous lifestyle that got them the way they look today. Taking chances by guessing how to get in shape doesn’t work and never has for anyone. It may be easier following your own instinct but the price you pay is limited results at best.

You have two choices, either neglect your body and end up with a renovation project years from now or begin to look after your body now by practising good house keeping. The latter will have immediate effect and is insurance against any future work and costs.

This is an excerpt from the chapter Rich Body Poor Body – taken from Fat Loss Every 10 Days, Step 1. ==>Risk Free Fat Loss<==
How to Get Your House in Order For The Best Fat Loss Results

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