Friday, February 26, 2010

Reasons For Not Losing Weight & Non Food/Exercise Related Solutions

Reasons other than food for lacking progress with shifting stubborn weight and fat!
Dieters always assume if they are not achieving fat loss the reasons must be food related. This may be the case for some people but I can assure you that there are other reasons other than food for lacking progress with shifting stubborn weight and fat.

Lets look at two of them.

Glossy magazines and the media
The kind of magazines I am talking about is the kind that heavily feature celebrities. In these magazines you can find unattainable body shapes and unhealthy diet crazes. One look at these magazines is enough to throw anyone off course and feel inferior. Just how healthy do you think these stick insect celebrities actually are?

The media is responsible for distorting and cherry picking health and fitness related information in order to gain your attention so they can stay in business by selling more copies. It is very important to be cautious when reading and using advice in these publications. The full picture is seldom discussed in the magazine or newspaper article. It is best for you and your fat loss goals if you steer away from these publications for your own good. If a diet sounds too good to be true it normally means it isn’t true and is just made up to make it sound interesting.

Social support
Are you running out of motivation and steam? Let me tell you from experience having a good set of friends and family around you is essential for successful fat loss. You need to tell those closest to you what your intentions are so you can gain their support during your journey. Sharing conversations about your goals and the difficulties you face can be the best thing you can do to motivate yourself towards the fat loss you want. More often than not a problem shared is a problem solved.

The more open you are the more support you will receive; you may even encourage and gain a diet buddy along the way. Those that try and do things on their own and shut themselves off from the outside world are more likely to fail due to the lack of support. Don’t be a statistic, be a success and share your goals.
Reasons other than food for lacking progress with shifting stubborn weight and fat!

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