Saturday, April 3, 2010

3 Top Tips To Lose Weight & Fat - Burn Fat, Fuel the Body & Forget Calories!

Now you can burn fat, fuel the body & forget calories!
Do you have a history of yoyo dieting and putting weight on easily? Unable to lose stubborn body fat? Does the diet and exercise thing haunt you and are you tired of it? I have observed peoples diet weaknesses and compiled a few tips to help you with issues and hard times.

Fuel the body with natural dense foods
Banish the cocktail of processed foods from your diet and begin to reap the benefits of real foods. Real foods are foods you find in the ground or on the tress, swim in the ocean or run in the wild. Real foods are heaving with natural goodness that your body needs for optimal health. No amount of processed foods in your diet dressed in synthetic vitamins is ever going to replace what you can get from nature. Once you replace all your processed foods with natural foods you will begin to unlock one of the first pathways to automatic fat loss.

Burn fat with weights, not with a hamster wheel
Muscle tissue is metabolically active, for every pound of muscle you add to your body you will burn an additional 50 calories. Don’t make the mistake of thinking low calorie diets and loads of cardiovascular exercise will help you drop weight or fat. It will make your situation worse in the long term because you risk losing calorie hungry muscle tissue. It isn’t possible to build muscle tissue with the type of cardiovascular exercises health clubs have made popular. Training with resistance is very important for your success and needs to be the priority in your exercise regime.

Forget calories, think nutrients
Your body only knows nutrients contrary to what you may believe. If you eat a slice of cake your body doesn’t scream oh no here comes 500 calories, then says to itself, not to worry because if I only get fed another 500 calories today everything will be all right. If this were the case there would be a lot more thin people especially those who live on low calorie diets. Listen very carefully to what I am spelling out here, calories in versus calories out is out of date science. It looks like the right thing on paper but in reality it doesn’t work.

Your body sees foods as chemicals and nothing more. If you get the balance wrong with processed foods or too many carbohydrates, proteins or fats then everything changes.

Before you know it the nutrients don’t get to where your body needs them and hormones are released to cope with the biological stress. This leads to muscle loss and a slow metabolism ending with you piling on the pounds.
Now you can burn fat, fuel the body & forget calories!

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