Saturday, July 24, 2010

Don’t Wait To Change Your Diet

The big winner for fat loss is the right diet – second place is the right kind of exercise!
Your diet is probably responsible for the way you look right now. Having excess body fat and being over weight is not a symptom of not using the treadmill a few times a week. If you don’t believe me just look at all the gym members the world over that quit everyday because they never achieve any results. They hit the treadmill in their droves religiously and still never get anywhere. The next time you are down the gym take a closer look at all the dedicated gym members that continue to exercise week after week and year after year yet still don’t look any different for their efforts. The majority of these people spend their workout time doing cardiovascular exercises. The type we have been led to believe is the answer to all over weight problems.

The mainstream media and the diet and exercise industry have programmed people to believe exercise is the answer to fat loss. How many people head straight into exercise routines without bothering to change their diet? A lot I can tell you!

From years of experience training people I have discovered the people who eat a bad diet are looking for a quick fix with exercise. They are hardly ever willing to change their diet without waiting a few months. This is to see if their exercise regime will give them the body they want. Then after all their invested time spent exercising fails to deliver the fat loss they want they more often then not throw in the towel.

Investing in eating a clean balanced diet from the beginning is the quickest way to get healthy and lose fat. You can’t out train a diet full of bad calories. If you live on processed junk foods and fail to get the right balance of nutrients everyday from natural foods then it is highly likely that you will feel lethargic and not look as good as you should. The effects of eating well show up on your body and keeps you feeling energised all day long. A far cry to what a few workouts a week on the treadmill can give you.
The big winner for fat loss is the right diet – second place is the right kind of exercise!

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