Friday, September 10, 2010

How to Train to Look Lean & Strong

Combining circuit workouts with bodybuilding workouts for fat loss & shape!
I thought I’d write a quick article about the workouts I’ve been doing lately. I have got some awesome results training in the circuit style with a few modifications to suit my goals.

Three and a half weeks in and I had gained six pounds with a noticeable difference to my physique. The six pounds have come from increased muscle tone and not body fat. I have to tell you these workouts are aerobically tough and challenging for me.

These are the guidelines I’ve been following:

I rest 30 seconds between exercises and 120 seconds between rounds.

I keep the reps between 8 and 12, dropping no lower than 6 on the last round. I’ve been keeping the weight the same for all the rounds so I don’t lose technique and this also helps me keep the reps in the bracket I want. I always perform a warm up round with lighter weights prior to beginning the main workout.

I do 3 workouts per week and change the workouts after 3 weeks.

These are some of the workouts I did for the first 3 weeks:

Rack Chest Press
Weighted Pull Ups
Weighted Dips
One Arm Cable Row (in a lunge position)
Dumbbell Squats

Incline Dumbbell Chest Press
Wide Chin Ups
Split Squats with Dumbbells
EZ Bent Over Row

Friday: (2 smaller circuits)
One Arm Dumbbell Row
One Arm Standing Dumbbell Press

Calf Raises
EZ Reverse Curl
Rope Pushdowns (single arm) – I keep the movement at the side of my body doing it this way instead of in front. With this second circuit I don’t rest 120 seconds before repeating- I get straight in to it.

Week 4 to 6 went like this:
Monday: (5 rounds) – I increase weight on this workout as I go along.
Weighted Dips
Weighted Pull Ups – I keep the reps at around 5 on this exercise only

Wednesday: (2 smaller circuits - 3 rounds on each) – I keep the weight the same and reps 8-12. When I get 3 rounds of 12 - I can increase the weight.
Flat Dumbbell Chest Press
Wide Pull Ups

Shoulder L Raise
Arnold Press
Upright Row

Friday: (2 smaller circuits - 3 rounds on each)
Romanian Deadlift - into a Shrug and Calf Raise at top of the movement
Leg Curl

Incline Chest Fly
Swiss Ball Preacher Curl
Decline Dumbbell Triceps Extension

I’ve started doing 2 circuit workouts a week now i.e. Monday & Wednesday. On Friday’s I do an isolation workout that involves single joint exercises. I do this in a non-competing superset fashion in the 8-12 rep bracket with 30-60 seconds rest between the two. I feel that this type of workout focuses more on feeling the movement and squeezing the contraction more than the circuit workouts. I limit the exercises to single joint movements only and choose the areas I feel get missed with the circuits. Combining the two types of workouts is proving to be a winning formula for achieving results.
Combining circuit workouts with bodybuilding workouts for fat loss & shape!

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