Thursday, March 3, 2011

A Word About Snacks For Dieters

A safe way to introduce snacks to your diet!
Some people do great eating snacks between meals and others not so great. It doesn’t take an expert to tell you that you would instantly take a u-turn in your rate of progress if you snacked erratically.

My advice is this; if snacking is something new to you and you are keen to speed up the metabolism, try eating frequently. I would recommend trying a mid morning snack first. This is a safer way to introduce you to eating frequently because it will help speed up the metabolism for the day ahead better than just having a mid afternoon snack. Remember consuming most of your calories in the first of the day will do more for your metabolism than putting off eating till the back end of the day.

It is also important to remember that eating good quality foods and nutrients for your main meals doesn’t give you the right to snack on bad calories. I’m talking about the kind you find in processed foods and most convenient food outlets. Don’t think for a minute that good meals will cancel out bad snacks, maybe now and again but definitely not everyday!

I know as much as anyone else that easily available junk food can be testing on our temptations even at the best of times. It is easy to feel helpless and our willpower torn to shreds as we go about our daily business.

Don’t worry because there is some good news. All you need to be is organised and follow some simple guidelines.

1. Plan what foods you are going to use for snacks.

Tip: Choose just two foods, a protein food and a carbohydrate food and always carry them around with you so you don’t get stuck when you need something to eat.

2. Only eat natural foods.

Tip: Try not to eat anything with multiple ingredients i.e. processed bars etc. For example try fruits and nuts/seeds or nut butter.

3. Keep your eye on the clock.

Tip: Do not eat snacks sooner than 2 hours before your last meal. If it is approaching 4 hours since your last meal you will need to eat something to keep the metabolism ticking optimally.

Experiment with what works best for your body in regards to how often you need to snack and the response it has to the rate of your progress. For instance are you making progress with just a mid morning snack or do you need a mid afternoon snack as well?
A safe way to introduce snacks to your diet!

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